Many leaders have found themselves suddenly leading remote teams without any previous experience in doing so.
For them to maintain high performance and strong employee engagement, it's crucial they adapt how they lead the team in order to minimise frustrations, maintain connection and aid smooth delivery without your Organisational Health taking a hit.
We help organisations build the necessary ingredients to get the most from distributed working, resulting in strong collaboration, effective strategy execution and a feeling of social connection despite being apart.
Get in touch to draw on our rich experience in leading remotely.
Adapting to the new context we're now in requires agility, resilience, creativity and strong execution among other qualities.
Most organisations hire very smart people, but the ability to collectively map out, agree and implement can be much more of a challenge for even the brightest. Distributed/remote working then adds another layer of complexity
Years of experience shows the oil that makes the difference here is your change capability, with facilitation ranking highest on the ingredients.
Need to boost your organisation's change capability? We can help you smoothen the journey and achieve outstanding results.
Keen to get people on board with upcoming change, and for them to stay with you all the way to achieving outstanding impact and results?
Over the years, a combination of experience and research shows the impact of stories, and the opportunities these can create when told well.
We partner with organisations to capture key insights, blending qualitative and quantitive findings into powerful stories that help paint a compelling picture. These not only help with getting buy in early on in the process, but also in determining where the best opportunities lie so that you get the most return for the effort.
Following the move to remote working during the pandemic, many managers that are now responsible for leading a remote team without any prior experience.
Leading teams is hard.
Leading an entire team that’s new to working remotely is even harder: remote working puts a magnifying glass on the slightest of problems.
Draw on our 34 years' experience leading and developing remote teams.
We work with organisations, teams and individuals who make a positive difference; whose focus is on improving life for their customers, employees and the communities they serve. We partner with them to make them smarter, quicker, more profitable and kinder to all they serve.
We create powerful learning experiences that help our clients achieve their outcomes, using a blend of leadership psychology, neuroscience, facilitation, brain friendly learning, cross-cultural understanding and team dynamics, combined with tailor-produced multimedia support materials where required.
We blend virtual and face to face learning in the mix that's right for you, given your context.
All our work is tailored to our clients' specific contexts, so it's 100% relevant to you and your people. You can be sure your experience with us will fit your organisation.